The Smart Golfer Podcast

Using The Power of Coaching to Embrace Change and Expedite Growth with Weight Loss Expert Jane Mukami

June 07, 2023 Greta Anderson Episode 17
Using The Power of Coaching to Embrace Change and Expedite Growth with Weight Loss Expert Jane Mukami
The Smart Golfer Podcast
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The Smart Golfer Podcast
Using The Power of Coaching to Embrace Change and Expedite Growth with Weight Loss Expert Jane Mukami
Jun 07, 2023 Episode 17
Greta Anderson

"When life gives you lemonade, make orange juice!" -Jane Mukami

In this episode, award winning nutrition-based fitness expert Jane Mukami is here to inspire, inform and encourage each of us to begin making the moves needed to create our best lives.

After escaping from a violent, physically abusive marriage, Jane found herself spiraling downward into depression and cycles of poor eating habits that led to weight gain. When she realized that her career was not fulfilling, she decided to make some serious changes. That's when the power of coaching began to play a key role in transforming her life!

During our powerpacked conversation, we discuss:

  • Why coaching is such an important ingredient in creating change for all of us
  • What it says about your life dreams if you're feeling stuck 
  • The importance of fulfillment and finding joy for yourself


About Coach Jane Mukami

Jane Mukami is an award winning nutrition-based weight loss expert that is passionate abut helping women to stop dieting and lose weight while eating carbs and without having to spend endless hours in the gym so they can look good naked, be more confident, and live a happy life.

Join her Weight Loss Challenge👉🏽:

Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when we reopen.  You'll get strategies, tools, and support from our friendly community to make your dreams of confidently playing fun, strategic golf anywhere with anyone come true.

Links & Resources:

*Disclosure: I may recommend products that I have used and love; all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Show Notes Transcript

"When life gives you lemonade, make orange juice!" -Jane Mukami

In this episode, award winning nutrition-based fitness expert Jane Mukami is here to inspire, inform and encourage each of us to begin making the moves needed to create our best lives.

After escaping from a violent, physically abusive marriage, Jane found herself spiraling downward into depression and cycles of poor eating habits that led to weight gain. When she realized that her career was not fulfilling, she decided to make some serious changes. That's when the power of coaching began to play a key role in transforming her life!

During our powerpacked conversation, we discuss:

  • Why coaching is such an important ingredient in creating change for all of us
  • What it says about your life dreams if you're feeling stuck 
  • The importance of fulfillment and finding joy for yourself


About Coach Jane Mukami

Jane Mukami is an award winning nutrition-based weight loss expert that is passionate abut helping women to stop dieting and lose weight while eating carbs and without having to spend endless hours in the gym so they can look good naked, be more confident, and live a happy life.

Join her Weight Loss Challenge👉🏽:

Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when we reopen.  You'll get strategies, tools, and support from our friendly community to make your dreams of confidently playing fun, strategic golf anywhere with anyone come true.

Links & Resources:

*Disclosure: I may recommend products that I have used and love; all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Dr. Greta:

Welcome to the Smart Golfer podcast, where we help aspiring golfers improve their skills, strategy, and knowhow for better performance, fun, and play. I'm your host, Dr. Greta Anderson, and I am beyond excited to help you move from just hitting balls to playing your best golf. So let's get to it. Welcome to the smart golfer podcast.***. I am Dr. Greta. Thanks for joining us. I am excited for today's episode because as many of you who know, who've been listening to me, been watching to me, who work with me, maybe you don't know me, you might want to know this. I love sharing how golf helps service the intersection with so many other facets of life, people's journeys, all types of interesting things. Golf just fits in everywhere, in my humble opinion. But this is one of the most delightful people I've met in such a long time. And I'm not going to share a story because she's going to do that, because it is an indeed amazing one. But let's say hello to today's guest, Jane Mukami. Did I pronounce that correctly, Mukami?

Jane Mukami:

You did.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

Thank you.

Dr. Greta:

I just call you Jane. How are you? I'm so glad you're here.

Jane Mukami:

I'm good, Dr. Greta, and I'm so happy and so excited to be here with you.

Dr. Greta:

You are just the bomb. It's amazing who's out in the world. You just don't know about people until you start learning about them. But let me share a little bit with the folks about Jane. Jane is an award winning, nutrition based weight loss expert that is passionate about helping women stop dieting and lose weight while eating carbs and without having to spend endless hours in the gym so they can look good naked, be more confident, and live a happy life. That's a statement, Jane.

Jane Mukami:

I know. I wrote it.

Dr. Greta:

Yes, you did. Right? So those are serious things, real things that I'm sure so many people are thinking about, whether or not they are articulating it yet. And so, again, when they're amazing people in the world and out in the space like you that are kind of bringing it to the fore, you're here to help them for that, help them with that. So thank you. Now, we've talked a little bit, and we're going to kind of get all into it during our time together here, but I found your story to be such an interesting one, so inspiring, amazing. I don't know what other adjectives I could throw in here, a lot of them. But instead of me going and blabbing on and on about it, do you mind sharing your story about it? I know that you are an avid user of social media, and so some people may know your story because I know you have a massive following, but a lot of people may not. So would you mind, Janice, just sharing your story with everyone?

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. Thank you. I'm going to tell you all about me, my name is Jane Mccammy. And yes, my name sounds strange because I'm not from around these parts. I am from Kenya, East Africa, and I moved to Atlanta 24 or 25 years ago. I've lost track of time. So Atlanta is my home. And I came to the US from Kenya at 20 years old. And I was here to go to college. And I got a computer science degree from Kenneth State University. And I worked in technology for 18 years before quitting corporate and starting my health and wellness business. Now, that sounds like a hard left from technology to health and wellness. So people are always like, how, how? The two are very different. How did you do that? So how I ended up in health and wellness is because I went through my own weight loss transformation story. And the journey began in 2008, so about 15 years ago, and it came from a really dark place. I had just separated with my husband, or my ex husband at the time due to domestic violence, and I eventually moved on and filed for divorce. So nowadays when people get divorced, they throw divorce on free parties and they celebrate. I actually just saw a meme today saying something about finally free and it was a celebration for getting divorced. That was not my story. If anything, I went into a depression because I was very young. I was about 28 years old. I wasn't sure if I'd made the right decision. I had this feeling of maybe we should have tried one more time. I had a lot of self doubt. So as a result, I did a lot of stress eating. I gained a lot of weight. So my way of coming out of that dark place was I need to do something about my health and my weight because I looked and felt worse when I was divorced than I did when I was married and battered.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

So that was my wake up call. And I had never worked out in my life. I'd never been to a gym. I'd never tried losing weight because I grew up as a chubby child, a chubby teenager. But that was when I had my wake up call and began my weight loss journey. And over three years, trying to lose weight and feel good and be more confident and happy is when I really started to fall in love with the process. Because of what the process did for me. It changed my life. And so fast forward many years later, I think four or five years later, I started helping a few friends, family, and I figured, I really enjoy this. I enjoy corporate. I was in software development as a project manager. I was making good money, but I was in fulfilled. So I said, you know what, let me see what I can do with this. And that's how I got here today. That's my hard left.

Dr. Greta:

That is a left. That's a left turn, but I could see how there are some parallels because you have to be very orderly and intentional about all the steps in there. I'm guessing that's an amazing story. That is truly making an amazing picture of lemonade out of some tough lemons.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. I say you get lemonade, you make orange juice.

Dr. Greta:

Well said. I like both. Well said. Yeah. Wow. When you begin and the reason I ask, because I know there's someone listening or watching that they're going like, oh, their antennae have gone up. And so I want them to hear this and hear this. Well, you didn't have all the answers. You didn't even have any of the answers.

Jane Mukami:

None at all. I don't think we ever have the answers, Dr. Greta. I think if we have the answers, things would be different.

Dr. Greta:

That is true. That is true.

Jane Mukami:

Turn out very different when we don't have the answers. But that's why we don't have them. So we can figure them out.

Dr. Greta:

Right. And so I guess a better articulation of that question from me would be this. You had no idea of any of the real ingredients of the path that you were about to begin walking. You just figured, I can put 1ft in front of the other, and that'll be enough for now. That's essentially what I'm saying, yes.

Jane Mukami:

I didn't have a clear path. I didn't have a business plan. I just knew that I needed to start doing this thing that made me happy and just see where it goes.

Dr. Greta:

Yeah. You use the word fulfilled. So it sounds like this is fulfilling for you where it wasn't that your career, your corporate career, it wasn't that you didn't enjoy, it wasn't that it wasn't financially fruitful or any of those things, but as you said, it wasn't fulfilling.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah, it didn't bring me much joy.

Dr. Greta:

And so the joy is there. Like I said, I find that apart from I love golf, but golf parallels so many other aspects of life. And when I find that people just kind of jump into things to help solve a problem for themselves, but then are able to kind of take that to the next level and use their learning to help other people, and then systematize that, if you will, to help one to many, that's even more amazing to me. And so after you kind of created your plan and your friends were asking and other people, a few people here and there were asking you, was it right then where you said like, I think I got a thing. This could be a business. Or is it that at other people's.

Jane Mukami:

Urging okay, so going back to getting information systematizing golf, having a parallel to so many things when I started my journey, I did what most people do. Even in golf, when you want to do something, you just kind of go there and do what you see everyone doing. Right? So I'm working out. Everyone goes to the gym to lose weight. You go to the gym. That's the first place I went. Just like most of my friends say, oh, I just went to golf with a few friends. I've never golfed before, but now I'm a golfer. We kind of tend to follow what everyone is doing. That's what I do. But it was two years of wasted time, energy, dieting, exercising 3 hours a day, and in two years I only lost like four pounds. So trying the DIY approach, right? And it wasn't until I got help, I invested in a really good coach that I noticed what I was missing. So again, just like golfing, you can go watch people take your club and do what they're doing and you'll make the ball move, but you might not be a good golfer.

Dr. Greta:

I didn't say that.

Jane Mukami:


Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

So I wanted to go back and explain that it just didn't come to me from heaven how to do this. I tried it on my own and it didn't work. It worked when I got help. And literally in four or five months of getting help, I achieved my goal. I was like, why did I waste two years? Anyway, so after achieving the goal and my friends asking me for advice, and now that I was equipped, thanks to the investment, I had the knowledge I would tell them what to do and they would get success. And they'd say, you should consider doing this. It's so simple to you, like, you know this stuff like the back of your hand. I'm like, no, I'm just helping you. I'm a project manager. I have a title. I have a big title. Working for a big company, right? I have status.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

My mom just could not comprehend putting the tips in the same category because I'm like, no, I would never make as much money doing that as my corporate job pays me, even though I'm not passionate about it. Right. And then finally I met a friend who really pushed me, maybe three, two years later. She said, you must do something, give it a try. Try do something online, just see if it sticks. And I said, okay, I'm going to try do a few things online, see if people even respond. And when I started doing it, I was overwhelmed. I'm like, wow, really? I was like, okay, there's something here that I'm not sure what it is, but I see it. So I need to put more effort. So it was working a full time job and trying to grow this side. Hustle for maybe 2012 to 2015, three years, and then finally quit my job just five years ago.

Dr. Greta:

The big leap.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah, right? So five years ago. And it was the best decision I ever made. And I regret why I didn't make that leap in 2014. 2015.

Dr. Greta:

You weren't ready.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah, I wasn't ready. I was too programmed to doing life the way everyone does life.

Dr. Greta:

Lots of us are. The leap is big. And as I've encouraged people who are thinking about that, I don't try to tell people how to live their lives. But the leap is a big deal. I mean, I made the leap almost 20 years ago. And to this day, I remember the feeling, every fiber of my being. I remember walking out of the building, the goodbye party that everybody threw with my boxes, and I'm going like, I'm leaving a lot of money on the table. I mean, all of these things. But I also remember many days where I was sitting in my very nice office, corner office in the high rise, looking out the window and going like.

Jane Mukami:

This can be it. This cannot be it.

Dr. Greta:

Well, I've had that. And I've told this story a few times vividly. I had a beautiful corner office, all window, beautiful. And so it was good because as a researcher, a lot of times I'm thinking, right, I'm trying to figure things out. And I remember vividly one day, I'm sitting there, and in the trees, there's this beautiful red tail tail hawk. And it's literally like because I'm on the 27th floor, it's literally way up in the trees, and it's literally, like, just looking at me. And it was like it said, no, you're the cage bird. Going like yeah.

Jane Mukami:

Did the bird just literally you had to do little moments.

Dr. Greta:

Yeah. And I was like, okay. And because, again, I was kind of like you. And I enjoyed my job. I know that I was contributing. I did great things. I earned my keep. I made great money. But I wasn't fulfilled.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. And I think you can agree, when I tell people, and I say this all the time, I always say that when you make the lip, it's not all excitement. It's a mixture of excitement and fear.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

It's both at the same time.

Dr. Greta:

Yes. Right. It is very much both at the same time.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. So people are like, I'm waiting to feel comfortable, to leave. I'm, like, feel comfortable. So I'm glad you can relate to that. Yeah.

Dr. Greta:

No, that's not quite the sensation. And, I mean, I remember there were times of business as I was starting out, things were going well, but just it would be instances and moments in the day, like, okay, if I had a question about something, and I'm going like, Wait. Oh, there's no legal to call about this question. The legal is on my bill. There's it team to call.

Jane Mukami:


Dr. Greta:

I'm everything. I'm all of those departments that used to be two buttons away. This is scary, but we learned, we thrive and that type of thing.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah, exactly. We figure it out. Yes. So they've taken the leap. And even when it came to building the business, I still struggle trying to figure it out. And again, I'm such an avid believer in after my weight loss journey, there's something it's why will I waste time and energy trying to figure something out on my own when I can pay someone to show me the shortcut? So when it comes to my business, I have amazing business coaches. I do not need to figure things out. I need to be able to call and say, hey, I'm trying to do this. How should I do it best?

Dr. Greta:

I'm with you. The power of coaching.

Jane Mukami:


Dr. Greta:

That's one of the things. As a lifelong athlete, I've had coaches in my life I don't even remember my entire life, right. But I always found it so interesting. That other facets of life, whether that's business or relationships or whatever the case may be, where it requires the same level of development, maturity, commitment, commitment. People are averse, I should say, to the concept of coaching. I'm like, but you have your seven year old with three coaches, but you don't think it's reasonable to invest in coaching. And I always use the word investing coaching, because if I'm seeking to get better at something, to learn, a skill to improve, that's not a spin. A spend, is when I went over here and grabbed something.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah, same thing. I'm an avid believer in getting help to get to my next level. And that is why, when I figured I needed to learn how to golf, I did not waste time going out with friends who golf and asking them to show me. I sent a text to my friends, and I said, who knows somebody who can teach me how to golf? And that's how I found you, because somebody referred me to you.

Dr. Greta:

Yes, I remember our conversation, and you had very pointed questions, and I was like, okay, this is kind of my kind of person. I had an interview, which is great, fine by me. But yeah, the value of it, it's particularly coming from particularly in this seat as a golf professional, you know how passionate I am and committed to growing the game and getting women in and women of color into the game. But I also know that for many of our ladies, time is for everyone. But time is a premium at a premium luxury, right? So I go like, you want to enjoy this game, and you certainly can and should. But why waste years, months, weeks trying to figure it out, being frustrated, learning some of the wrong things? Let's just put it out there when a bit of investment in time will be so much more productive.

Jane Mukami:

And I get it. I had a conversation with a friend on Friday night, and I was telling her, yeah, I'm taking golf lessons. And she told me, oh, you didn't have to do that. You just need to find a group of guys. They'll always invite you because you're cute, and they'll teach you how to hit the ball. And I said, that's not who I am. I like, operating from excellence. I do not like favorite phrases. I don't like half acting anything. So, as I told you, the reason I was in a rush to learn how to golf is because I promised my parents when they came to visit me this summer in July, I would golf with them because they have been golfing for years, and they've been asking me to learn so that when they come from Kenya to visit me, we can have a shared experience. So my goal was clear. I need to golf with my parents. Yes, I can go golf with my friends and learn how to do this and that, but I also want it to be a good experience for them, not a beginner. She can barely hold. She barely has the right grip.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

That's not me. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to learn it the right way. So other than my parents, if I am enjoying the sport and I do decide to go out and golf with other people, I don't want to be like the people I see at the gym that are doing crazy moves, and I'm like, they're going to hurt.

Dr. Greta:

Terrifying. You're going like, oh, that's going to result in something fractured. That's just not good. Yeah.

Jane Mukami:

Does she know she's going to blow her back out?

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

I will never be those people because I'll go get help to make sure my form is correct so that I'm being effective in what I'm training.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

But that's how I think. Right. So being able to get help operate from excellence, even if I do not become a pro, I'll remember that I used to golf and I did it well. That means something to me.

Dr. Greta:

Absolutely. But you could if you wanted to, and we'd be happy to have you.

Jane Mukami:

Yes, I'd like to get there. I'd like to becoming better.

Dr. Greta:

Let's talk. We can do that. And I'm serious about that, but we'll talk about that offline.

Jane Mukami:


Dr. Greta:

So with all of your success in so many things, between developing yourself, developing your business, growing your business, all those types of things, and you mentioned that your parents played golf and played for many years, what took you so long to get to golf? Not that it's a bad thing, just curious.

Jane Mukami:

Okay, so my parents live in Kenya. Coming from a corporate background, there's always this thought that golf is played by those people.

Dr. Greta:

Those people?

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. I was never those people. I could barely get more than two weeks a year vacation time. Right. Even though yes, making good money, but the time to even enjoy golfing, I don't think was ever in my radar. So now after becoming an entrepreneur, having more time, freedom, more financial freedom, and being able to pick and choose what I want to do, I was like, oh, now I can see myself saying yes to my parents request because I can pay somebody to teach me. And I can work around my work schedule to make sure I'm meeting with you the way we meet now. All of a sudden those people is becoming this person.

Dr. Greta:

You're those people. That's right.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. But also realizing it's not a those people thing really, right.

Dr. Greta:

Now that you're on this other side. Because being a golfer is not about how far you hit the ball or those types of things. It's many other things. But in many ways the declaration of that. I am one of those people, right?

Jane Mukami:

Yes. I can go to the golf course, I can hit the ball, I can put, I know the basics and I'm going to get better at it. And anybody can be a golfer. Just like I remember I used to hear back in the day, you don't have to be rich or wealthy to start building wealth. And I'll be like, Get out of here. And then a few years later I'm like, oh, really? You don't have to be rich to start building wealth.

Dr. Greta:

Building wealth right where you are. Right.

Jane Mukami:

It's the same thing. It's the same concept that kind of catches on later, I guess. Yeah.

Dr. Greta:

So right. There are many parallels to kind of all of these things that you're talking about, but would there be for those again, anyone listening? Like whether that's golf again or weight loss or nutrition and they're just kind of teetering a lot of people, it's paralysis by analysis, right? They're just frozen in their tracks. And as you can well appreciate, time moves on and people look up and they've been stuck in the same spot in the same place and it just kind of can out many ways, spiral or into this kind of just frustration of frozenness, as I like to call it. Any tips, advice, insight on just taking that first step for any of people in a variety of circumstances. But you've been seemingly very good at doing that.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah, I've been lucky. But I don't enjoy being complacent. I enjoy and embrace change. And unfortunately, change sometimes comes from a painful place. As I shared my source or my weight loss journey began as a result of divorce. Right. And when things happen to us, bad things happen to us, they're really just meant to make us better. So that's the first thing when bad things happen to you. I filed for bankruptcy. I was bankrupt a few years ago. I was broke, I'd lost all my money. I've been through a lot of different things, but I know that that discomfort when life is not fair is always kind of setting us up for the next level. So that's one. The second thing is if you're feeling stuck, it's because you're not dreaming big enough.

Dr. Greta:

I love that.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. Because it just means that what you're expecting from life is very basic. So there's nothing pulling you forward or forcing you to take massive action to get closer to the bigger dream without a big dream. Then you have mediocre actions, and you feel like your life is boring. It's blah. Everyone else is having a ball, and you're watching from the sidelines. You have a ball, too. If you decide to blow up your dream, you want one better for yourself, and that will force you to start taking big steps. Yeah.

Dr. Greta:

Inspirational words from Jane. I love it. Okay, so I'm asking for the tipper. We've had our jokes about nutrition and nutrition planning and how not in your target audience, but that's okay.

Jane Mukami:

I cannot help you.

Dr. Greta:

No, that's what I hear every week, folks, on the lesson to you. And I go like, are you sure? She just goes, I cannot help you, Dr. Greta. I go like, okay, I'll ask next week.

Jane Mukami:

I cannot help you because you are the opposite of who I help. My personal story is from the woman that struggles with losing weight. She wants to look better in her clothes. She wants to feel more confident. And the reason I say look good naked is because, as women, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we're very critical.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

When you look at yourself and you don't love yourself, there are changes that need to happen. And I know that's not you because you are tall and beautifully lean. You cannot relate to the problems some of us have had to go through.

Dr. Greta:

Okay, well but everyone has their own problems. But I say that in just because in just let me slow down to my pronunciation there. I say that in just because I was going to ask you for one great insightful tip that you can share with lots of people who are listening, who may just be getting they may just be getting into the awareness or the keen awareness of the fact that they need to make some changes to become fitter, healthier, to feel confident, to feel great, looking at looking at themselves in the mirror, naked, so on and so forth. What's one big tip?

Jane Mukami:

The biggest tip I'll share is that it always comes down to what you put in your mouth. It's not exercise. It's not the gym. Exercise has its place. It will help with your cardiovascular health. It will help with your mental wellness, how you deal with anxiety, stress, when it comes to melting the fat in your belly, thighs, busteria, back, whatever part of your body, it always comes down to nutrition. That's why they say weight loss is 80%, nutrition, 20%, everything else. So you can spend hours working out until you change how you eat. Nothing will really change drastically, or you will not transform your body. And this is what I've really mastered, and this is what I help women in women have lost up to 130 pounds working with me all through nutrition, regardless of whether you exercise or not.

Dr. Greta:

Okay? So let's back that back the truck up. So if people are willing to adhere to and listen to and be guided by the expert coaching that you offer without getting up at five in the morning or slugging into the gym after work or whatever, the myriad of ways that they could choose to exercise. Of course it's good for us. So we do want some measure of activity, but you could lose those pounds and get things back in order without being a gym rat, as we affectionately would call some people.

Jane Mukami:

Absolutely, yes. 100% big news.

Dr. Greta:

That's big news.

Jane Mukami:

Yeah. And that's the part that I think that's the part of the brainwashing, oh, you want to lose weight, go work out. Yeah. And as I said, I went through that for two years, working out hard, thinking that that's what you did to lose weight. And it didn't work for me, actually, after the two years, I was considering liposuction because of how frustrated I was, but luckily I did not go through with that procedure.

Dr. Greta:

Wow. Okay, so with the food, what's the biggest you've worked with so many people. What's the biggest and or most difficult change or adjustment to the eating?

Jane Mukami:

There are a couple of things I'm going to share a couple of things. The first thing being that most people tend to eat very sporadically. For example, today is a good day. I might eat two or three times in the day. Oh my God. Tomorrow or yesterday was such a busy day, I only ate one time a day, and then tomorrow I'm going to just snack all day.

Dr. Greta:


Jane Mukami:

Haphazard way without structure. So that's the first thing people don't understand. You need to have your meals structured, so you need a schedule. The second thing is eating healthy. Everyone says to me, but Jane, I eat healthy. But the moment I ask you to tell me how you eat what you eat, you're either eating the wrong foods at the wrong time, specifically carbohydrates, the potatoes, the mac and cheese, the rice, the stuff we like, or the cookies and the cake. When you're trying to lose weight, you should not be eating starches or lots of starches right before bedtime or at dinner because your

body starts turning down about 04:

00 p.m.. And as the day comes to an end, your body should be having the lightest meal days. A saying you should have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a papa. Your heaviest, biggest meal should be in the morning so that it can fuel you throughout the day. Lunch should be the second. Your dinner should be the lightest meal of the day.

Dr. Greta:

Jane is over here dropping jewels. Folks, if you don't know, that's not inexpensive advice.

Jane Mukami:

That's the second thing that I find a lot of people don't quite understand. And the third is obviously changing up the quality of the nutrition, focusing on eating whole natural foods. You can still eat carbohydrates, you can still eat oats and potatoes and sweet potatoes, but. You need to minimize the manmade stuff.

Dr. Greta:

Yeah, the French fries, the macaroni and cheese.

Jane Mukami:

The cheese.

Dr. Greta:

The red velvet cake. Shall we go on?

Jane Mukami:

Yeah, we have air fryers. You can make french fries in an air fryer.

Dr. Greta:

Love my air fryer. But I was talking about the French fries. That a company sitting in the line that goes around the building with the open up window. Those french fries.

Jane Mukami:

Right. We need to eat foods that we can quickly identify their source. If you're eating the sweet potato fries made from your air fryer, you know that sweet potatoes came from Mother Earth. If you're having chicken, that came from the bird. If you're having vegetables, they came from the earth. If you're having fish, it came from the sea. You have a direct line of stores, but when we talk about things that there you go.

Dr. Greta:

I have no idea where Cheeto came from except the laboratory somewhere.

Jane Mukami:

Most of the aisles in the grocery store that food was not intended or created naturally.

Dr. Greta:

Right. Is it rule of thumb? They said the closer to the center of the grocery store, the more man made it was.

Jane Mukami:

Much have to stay in the peripheral, the outer right? Yeah. So just changing up and finding good swaps for unhealthy items with healthy items. So those are the top three that I'm going to share with them right now.

Dr. Greta:

Well, I'm glad you mentioned this because I believe if I'm correct, you are in the midst of preparing to receive new clients. Is that correct?

Jane Mukami:

I am. I am running an eight day nutrition based weight loss challenge that's kicking off on Monday, June the 12th, literally in about seven days. So if you'd be interested in participating in this so I can teach you more about how to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, portion control is another big problem and much more. I can help you out there if you sign up for that. And you can sign up for this from my social media platforms.

Dr. Greta:

We just put those down. For those of you all are watching our podcast, you can see that we've got that running on the ticker right down there. So you can snap a photo or grab it or whatever. Just go ahead and grab it now. And then you can go ahead and follow her right now. And that'll keep it simple.

Jane Mukami:

Absolutely. And not to mention that the person that referred me to you was one of my weight loss clients.

Dr. Greta:

Who looks fantabulous right now. Beautiful woman from the beginning, but just right. Glowing all the things right. And she raves about you as well. So it's the real deal. I know you're the real deal simply just because you're a delightful person. I've gotten to know just a little bit about our time together in golf and I said to you such an interesting story and such an inspiration. We need more and more and more and more women like you in golf. And so I said, what a better way to share you with the world than to have you on here? So I'm so thankful for you making time. I know you're busy, especially all that you've got going on right now with your challenge and all the things going on. Thank you so much for being here.

Jane Mukami:

I appreciate you and thank you so much for I've only known you for maybe six, seven weeks, and I feel like I've known you all my life. Thank you for the knowledge, the help you've been giving me over the last few weeks with going from never been on a golf course to I can hit a ball. I can. You are amazing at what you do. I love that you love structure. I speak structured knees, very well structured.

Dr. Greta:

I love it.

Jane Mukami:

Thank you for the work you do and empowering women in a sport that's male dominated.

Dr. Greta:

My pleasure. It's my pleasure. Again, we both seem to have found our places where we found joy, so that matters a lot. Thank you so much, Ms. Jane, for being with us today. And thanks to you, each and every one of you, for taking time and choosing to listen to the Smart Golfer podcast. We will see you in the next episode. Bye for now.

Jane Mukami:


Dr. Greta:

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