The Smart Golfer Podcast

Helping Women Build Confidence, Networks & Social Capital Through Golf with Stephanie D'Angelo

September 27, 2022 Greta Anderson Episode 3
Helping Women Build Confidence, Networks & Social Capital Through Golf with Stephanie D'Angelo
The Smart Golfer Podcast
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The Smart Golfer Podcast
Helping Women Build Confidence, Networks & Social Capital Through Golf with Stephanie D'Angelo
Sep 27, 2022 Episode 3
Greta Anderson

Golf is the sport of business and networking for so many reasons, but for far too long, even many high-achieving business women weren't involved. Instead of using golf as a valuable tool to gain an edge in career and business like men routinely do, many women were stuck on the sidelines.  

After picking up golf in October 2021, former Big 4 auditor turned social entrepreneur Stephanie D'Angelo decided to do her part to change things! She's on a mission to rebrand golf from a health and well-being activity to a critical development skill for corporate women.

As the founder of HerClub, she is determined to design ways for motivated women to gain the edge they have been missing - through golf. Stephanie has an audacious golf to support 1,000 women - each year - gain competence and confidence on and off the green.

To learn more about HerClub, feel free to reach out to Stephanie:

  • Twitter, IG:  @joinherclub
  • IG:  @stephanied120
  • LinkedIn:  in/stephaniedangelo

Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when we reopen.  You'll get strategies, tools, and support from our friendly community to make your dreams of confidently playing fun, strategic golf anywhere with anyone come true.

Links & Resources:

*Disclosure: I may recommend products that I have used and love; all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Show Notes Transcript

Golf is the sport of business and networking for so many reasons, but for far too long, even many high-achieving business women weren't involved. Instead of using golf as a valuable tool to gain an edge in career and business like men routinely do, many women were stuck on the sidelines.  

After picking up golf in October 2021, former Big 4 auditor turned social entrepreneur Stephanie D'Angelo decided to do her part to change things! She's on a mission to rebrand golf from a health and well-being activity to a critical development skill for corporate women.

As the founder of HerClub, she is determined to design ways for motivated women to gain the edge they have been missing - through golf. Stephanie has an audacious golf to support 1,000 women - each year - gain competence and confidence on and off the green.

To learn more about HerClub, feel free to reach out to Stephanie:

  • Twitter, IG:  @joinherclub
  • IG:  @stephanied120
  • LinkedIn:  in/stephaniedangelo

Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when we reopen.  You'll get strategies, tools, and support from our friendly community to make your dreams of confidently playing fun, strategic golf anywhere with anyone come true.

Links & Resources:

*Disclosure: I may recommend products that I have used and love; all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Welcome to the Smart Golfer podcast, where we help aspiring golfers improve their skills, strategy, and knowhow for better performance, fun, and play. I'm your host, Dr. Greta Anderson, and I am beyond excited to help you move from just hitting balls to playing your best golf. So let's get to it. Hey, folks, it's Dr. Greta, and today I am just beyond excited for our session today here at the Smart Golfer podcast, we are with Ms. Stephanie DeAngelo. She is a former Big Four auditor turned social entrepreneur. She's on a mission to rebrand golf from a health and well being activity to a critical development skill for corporate women. As the founder of her club, she is determined to design ways for motivated women to gain the edge they have been missing through golf. Stephanie has an audacious goal to support 1000 women each year gain confidence and confidence on and off the green. Welcome. Yeah, that's me clapping there. Welcome, Stephanie. Thank you so much for being here. How are you today?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Yes, since the time we began chatting, I was like, you remember I said, oh, my gosh, you've got to be on the podcast. So I'm so happy that you're here. So I spoke a little bit about you, and I just want to kind of open the floor, and I want to learn, I want everyone to learn a little bit more about you and her club. But first, I just have to ask, so how did you stumble upon golf, if you will? How did you even get engaged or even thinking about engagement with golf?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yes, so that actually is kind of part of the origin story with her club. Right? Because previously so I started golfing in October of last year, so October 2021. So I'm a newbie. Right. Previously, I was anti golf. I did not like the vibe. It seemed unwelcoming, a bit pretentious, and I was just like, I'm from a blue collar family. It just didn't seem to drive with me. Right.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Got you.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

One day I was at a networking event at work, and you're grinding, collecting the promotions and all that stuff. And then I was at this networking event, and I realized, oh, my God, women are missing out. It's happening on the golf course, and we got to get there. And so that's kind of how it started, and that's how I started golfing.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

So you kind of figured it out. This is where the action is. I need to be there. And not only do I need to be there, other women need to be there. And so that's what I'm hoping, that our listeners are here, that we need to be out there because there's a lot of action going on. Their deals are being closed, but I tend to say or not hypothesize, but we know it to be. So that's where the relationships are developing 100% relationships lead to transactions and other things, right?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Exactly. Because we know it's all about who you know. It's all about who you know. And everyone that you want to know is on a golf course.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

That's right. That is so true. That is so true. So that's so interesting. So you began playing just about a year ago, right? You said kind of fall of 2021. So celebrating your one year anniversary on the Greens. Congratulations.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Thank you. It is exciting. It is exciting.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Yeah. Here's my question. A lot of people will start and get going, but you went so quickly from, hey, starting to like big action because some people starting and playing golf is more than enough, but you went from to big action like, you know what? I'm going to create an awesome community. How did that leap happened? Because that's a big leap.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Well, the thing is, I've always been like a women's advocate and organizing events at work and stuff like that. So once I kind of realized, I started to do the research and realized that, okay, women are missing out. These are stacked. This is not like Stephanie DeAngelo's idea. Right. This is nothing new, but no one's really talking about it. And so then I realized this is my mission. This is what I was put here to do. I really believe that to level the playing field for women and to just get us out there in more leadership positions. And so I realized if I want to talk that talk, I gotta walk the walk.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

You got to walk the walk. Right. Even if you drive right in the golf cart, you got to walk the walk.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Exactly. And the thing is, I love it too. I love golf.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Isn't it awesome? You know what I love so much is that as a professional, as a teacher, that some people of all walks comes to the game for a variety of reasons. And I love when people are like and then I ended up falling in love with it. There's zero expectations about that happening, but then they're just hooked. And it's one of those things that people can arrive at the doorfront of golf for so many reasons, but you can also fall in love with it for so many reasons in so many ways, and it's such a powerful tool. I know I'm probably a broken record, and I'll continue to be a broken record about that because it's true. It's just an awesome tool. So I'm so excited and thankful that you're doing wonderful things to get more and more women out there on the course. So let's dig in there and tell us about your community. We want to learn all about it.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yeah, exactly. So a little bit more. So then I realized I started golfing, and then I kind of realized there's really like I'm starting to like, where can I go? Where can I do it? What's the path to get started, right? And there's really no one path. And that was so frustrating for me because I feel like it's so discouraging when women just I have this drive now. I realize it's going to be a benefit for me, like, what is my path? And I was just like, how can there not be one set way to get women into this? So I just decided there are clinics out there, there are inter clinics, there are amazing women like you, Dr. Greta, out there teaching women how to golf. And it's like we're missing all these people that don't know the benefits, that don't have the resources, that don't understand that you don't need to own clubs to play and all this stuff. So I decided there needs to be a step before the Intro clinic. We need to target all the mid level managers and above the people that are tapped on to be partners at their firm, right, that have to jump into a sales action and maybe they're not used to that. And so let's get this digital community together and really have it be somewhere where as you're learning to golf and apart four, we all know what that is, right? And you're coming off the golf course and you realize, oh, my God, I got five or six on a par four. That's good for me, that's a good day on one hole and I want to bring some more. That's a good day for beginner, especially. And so when I got like my first six on a part four, I wanted to celebrate that with people and no one really understood it. There are golfers and I have a few golf friends and no one really got that. And so I want this community to be that community where you come together, you're learning about golf, you're networking with elevated women because the people that want to be out on the golf course, from a work perspective, those women are probably motivated, they're succeeding in life, right? And so we want to be there to kind of support you and even ask those stupid questions. It's got to go somewhere, right? And we want you to come to her club question. Yes, that's what I mean.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

No, I know what you mean. Absolutely. And I wanted to clarify for our listeners that I want you to know that when you're in the right golf community, there is no such thing as a stupid question. In fact, asking a question is the smart thing to do, right? We're learning 100% process, and golf is a universe unto its own, with its own language, jargon, customs, the whole bit. So it's a lot to learn. And so that's important to know that when you're learning, it's a journey, as I always call it, a golf journey, because there is just so much to learn. I've been in golf for decades now and I'm still in the midst of a journey of learning, right? There's always room for improvement. There's always more knowledge to gather. And so just know that there is no finishing point in the exact journey or lifetime, right? I think that's an important thing for people to know and understand. I agree with you wholeheartedly. And we know that the research is so in fact, my research and my whole life as an adult, people may not know I'm also a researcher. I mean, I'm trained as a researcher. Integration or community, as most of us would understand it to be, is so important for us as humans at all levels, but particularly for women in golf, it's a little bit different than it can be for the gentleman. And so we know that historically, golf has been about frankly, it's been about the guys, right? Make it more about an accessible and welcoming for the ladies. Things have to look a little bit differently. And so I think as we began our conversation, Stephanie, that was one of the reasons why, literally, remember, I was so excited. I was like, oh, my God, you got to be on the podcast, because I'm so passionate about that. And I just believe, like, you, if we have pockets showing up of like minded community builders, we can really grow and transform this thing.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

No, the only other thing I wanted to say was I want to stress to your listeners, because it sounds really important, the people that I talked to. Golf is only 20% skill. That's not an exact number, but there's 80% of golf that are controllables, right? The rules, the attire, the etiquette, the lingo, all of that stuff. And we want to make you feel confident so that when you walk onto the course for your clinic, your lesson, your outing, whatever it is that you're already 100% confident in, that 80%. So that you can be focused on the networking, the learning, the skills. But I think that's the huge myth.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

That's the huge myth. Again, we are all on the same page in that regard, because one of my popular programs was called the Golf Course Confidence Blueprint, and those are the exact things that we covered. And I often say is that golf is not hitting balls and playing golf are two different things.

Stephanie D'Angelo:


Dr. Greta Anderson:

And it's so important that as an instructor, I mean, I spend a lot of my time helping people to become more proficient and efficient at doing just that, striking the ball. But people who know my clients and others have been on the tee with me at any point. They know that I talk about, this is one part of golf, because you can be the best ball striker ever, but if you don't know the rules, if you don't know all these other things, it's not going to be quite that fun. Right. Depending on the context in which you're using golf, it cannot be good. I mean, that's for another episode. But if you don't understand the rules etiquette. You can look like a cheater.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Totally. That's a great point.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Nobody wants to look that way. But if you're out there and you're doing business, you want to know. You want to feel confident, but you want to know the rules. Right. That's a discussion for another day. You're getting into the intricacies. But I'm so glad that you and her club, that's what you're about, helping the ladies to understand that there's so much to the great game of golf, which I think is one of the cool parts about it. It's our own little thing, and I always call it our because it belongs to us just like it belongs to everyone else. It's our game.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Exactly. We just want to get more women out there and kind of empowered before they step on the green so that they can feel confident when they're out there. We want to see confident women out there.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

We want to be confident women out there. So I have a question for you, Stephanie. So you've been talking I'm sure you talk to a lot of ladies, and you're talking about your experiences as a golfer, as a newer golfer, and you're talking about her club, of course. What are some of the more common, if you will, barriers to entry or objections that the ladies might state when you're talking to them?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yeah, I mean, I think the number one thing and the thing that we try to demystify dispel at Heart Club is you do not need your own set of clubs. Did I say that already? Because I just feel like I say it each day. Every day. I thought when I started, I needed to buy clubs, and that feels like such an expense if you don't know. Right. And there are so many clinics, clubs out there that will let you rent, borrow, barter for clubs. But that's definitely number one, for sure.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Does her club have a physical homebase, or is it a purely digital community?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Purely digital community, because we want to get to everyone nationally, because I think that's where I struggle. It's like, okay, oh, I found this cool group of women right there in Florida, or they're in Arizona. It's like, I can't get to those clinics. Right. Yeah. And so I realized also that the women that I'm targeting, they haven't golfed yet. They don't realize the benefits. So we want to kind of educate empower, and then they should feel motivated to kind of get out there themselves.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Right. And you're letting them know that you are not alone in your corner of the world forging your way into golf.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Exactly. So we'll set.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Yeah. Right. And that really is the kind of the journey. Right. I think that for so many women, they're thinking, like, I don't know anybody, because what I have found and tell me if you found this to be the case, there may be some women who are quite inspired and ready to get going in golf. But they don't have any golf buddies.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Exactly, right? Exactly. The stats are out there that are.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Out there to show that right where they're going. Like, I'm not really going to just go, let me see, find the clinic, find the pro. All alone. It doesn't look so fun. That doesn't look so fun. And then it's just not a fun. It's no feedback loop. It's a bunch of things, but that is definitely one of them. I'm still sitting here, I'm like, wow, like you did all of that in one year.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Well, we're still working through it. Yeah, exactly. I just want to add to that. There is a stat out there that says 95% of people you're going to succeed in your goals if you're doing it in a community. 95%, you're only going to fail 5% of the time if you have community.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Right? That's right. Remember this, I always say this. Community is not defined by size.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Such a great point. Can be one person, one other person.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

It can be one other person. Right? And then sometimes that's it oftentimes that happens for me when someone reaches out to me and they go like, well, we're ready to do this, can I come with a buddy? Like I'm ready to come to lessons but I don't want to come alone. Of course, a lot of my individual instruction is two buddies that come together and I love that because they were going to be our own little golf village and oftentimes it kind of spreads like a nice little fun contagion. Like with two of them started and then a couple of other their buddies come and next thing they know they've got their own little basically internal little golf league. And I love that.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

I love that.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Yeah, it's awesome. Like yesterday, in fact, I taught a clinic and most of the ladies did not know each other, right? And by the end they're like, oh, it happens. The ladies are exchanging information, contact information and they're like, well it'll just be easier, Doctor Greta, if you just provide us with basically a roster with everyone's contact information because we decided we're going to be doing X, Y and Z. And I'm like, perfect, I love it. No problem. That's an easy for me. Because just like that they found their own golf community players, all of a similar level. Obviously they're living reasonably in the same geographic area and they've connected. They may not have commonalities and a bunch of other things, but they know they're loving to the process of playing and learning golf. And there you go.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

And that's it. And that's enough to build it. And that's how the relationships build on the golf course, right? And that's why it's so great to be out there. Because things build organically and you have the time to get to know someone in a natural setting where you're doing something that you like, maybe you don't like it every day because it's frustrating, but generally speaking, right?

Dr. Greta Anderson:

That's right. Yeah. I mean, it's such a powerful tool from a corporate standpoint. You can speak to that yeah. You can speak to that very clearly. I mean, it's a biggie can you talk about how many doors have opened or business relationships have grown, developed since you began playing golf?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yeah. So a few things I'll say to that one, if there are women out there listening, and you're corporate women and you're on those calls and you're getting on the call, it's ten one or whatever, and you have a few people on and they're talking about the Masters and who won the Masters that was just on or what golf courses they were playing at. And I used to sit on those calls and be like, okay, I'm going to wait until the meat of the conversation starts because I have nothing to add to this. Just being able to jump into those conversations or just being a woman and talking to men, and they're like, oh, you're wearing, like, a certain club hat or an LPGA hat or something. Do you play golf? And I was like, yeah. Playing they're like, oh, you play. And then some people are just so impressed that a woman is playing, which is like a little funny, but flattering. I don't know how to take it. And then it's almost like there's like another level of respect that I've gained just to say that I play. And now, like, they trust me a little more, they're willing to listen to me a little more. They're interested just a little more, and it builds from there. Right. Oh, do you want to go out and play golf? Oh, we should go out. Then you exchange emails. Then you have linked 15 different emails with people that maybe you haven't even played golf with, that but you're trying to play. But those are 15 other people that I didn't know before.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

15 people. That's a lot of people.

Stephanie D'Angelo:


Dr. Greta Anderson:

I don't care what you do, where you work. That's a lot of people. I like to kind of describe it, or I feel like maybe a good way to describe it oftentimes is that golf is like a language people know that you speak that tongue. We can now talk.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yeah, you're right.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

One of the things that I love for the most part, unfortunately, right now, we're in some places and spaces where society is kind of divisive, and it can be on a razor's edge when you bring up things like politics or whatever. And I've never been one of those people that talk a lot of politics anyway. But one of the things that I love so very much about golf is this if we are golfers, we can be at extreme polar opposite ends of some spectrums, but we meet in the middle when it's time to talk about golf and talking about golf. And that can be the one thing that keeps us in good stead, if you will, or it's the tie that binds of the relationship. Right. 100% Nellie quarter sink that 42 foot putt yesterday. My gosh, I thought she was out of it. I thought she was going to double bogey, and she ends up birding. Wow. That's the conversation. Or maybe you aren't such an avid golfer just yet that you're watching golf on TV, but as you said, you dial in at ten one for the ten five meeting, and folks are talking about the shot making or their play or whatever, and you can chime in and go like, oh, my gosh, I understand the same thing. Yes, you're a golfer. Yes. You're now in the conversation 100%.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

And it also levels the playing field in that. And again, I come from the public accounting world, a partner and a firm, first year, the first year entering your firm and a partner has been there for 1015 plus years. That first year, second year, third year, they're not getting a lot of FaceTime with your partner. Right?

Dr. Greta Anderson:

There you go.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

You're out there on the golf course, and you're getting face time with someone that you wouldn't necessarily be interacting with otherwise.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

I am so glad you mentioned my favorite word for a long time. You can find stuff with me out there. And I've always described golf as this the original FaceTime before we have technology and all these things. Golf was the original FaceTime, where you got FaceTime with people, and today it really is. Right. Golf was one of the few things that was still open and thriving even when we were in the pandemic. It reasserted itself on the throne as the original FaceTime. It's just an amazing tool like that. Imagine you just talked about there, right? First year, partner versus partner, that type of thing. There is no other time where you're going to have a shot at getting hours of one on one or small group time with a senior member of your company or organization, whatever the case may be. But all of a sudden, you play golf. It happens. I've seen it happen so many times.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

And it's not awkward, it's not forced. It's not like when you're at that happy hour and the partner has to go around and make sure he's reaching out to everybody, having that touch point, and it can feel a little inorganic inauthentic. Right. But if there's nothing to say on the golf course, then you just putt or you move on or you drive or you listen to music together, if that's how you're doing it. But it never feels quite as awkward as it does with a bit of forced conversation at a work event.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Well, absolutely, because there's a very good chance that that person, that partner, that CEO, whomever may be an exemplary golfer, scratch level golfer, but the odds are high that they're not and so all of us, even if they are every golfer, is going to experience the highs and lows of a round of golf. It's an opportunity for you to be interacting with that senior member in some places and spaces where they're also going to be kind of laid bare and vulnerable. They're going to shake the ball, and you're going to get to see them exactly in some different ways as well. That's one of the reasons that golf is such a powerful business tool, because it is character revealing, as I like to say. You're going to see the truth about people in a round of golf. And that is why it's one of the biggest reasons why it's the sport of business. The truth is showing out on the golf course, right? It's one of those things that by the time you get to the 19th hole, as we'd like to call it, right, you had an opportunity to share some real fun experiences, and maybe some of them are crazy, but just like that, you and that senior member, those senior members, you have experiences, you have memories, you have things to laugh and talk about. So the next time you're in a meeting or on the zoom or whatever the case may be in the elevator, you have something to chat about. You all might have an inside joke, and others are going like, she's got an inside joke with the CEO.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yes. And that person will never forget, too. They'll come to you, they'll check in with how your golf game is exactly.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

These relationships, these are how you begin and establish great relationships.

Stephanie D'Angelo:


Dr. Greta Anderson:

And since you began, it's not what we know is oftentimes it's a combination of what we know, but also who we know exactly. Well, this is just amazing. Her club. So tell me about any thoughts you have on big things coming up for her club or anything you'd like to share with our listeners here about you and her club?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

We just launched. I think when this airs, we will have just launched and so formally, which is really exciting. And so we have some events coming up digitally, of course. So if you're interested in getting some language and lingo confidence out there on the golf course, or we do some watch parties with some golf pros so that you can understand, hey, what's happening? We do like a little watch and learn, let's call it. So if you don't necessarily want to get out there on the golf course, but you just want to be able to converse about it, we have that for you. So that you can kind of dip a toe in, right, and start to feel confident with the words, what's happening, the pace of play, how things are going, and so you can see it. And even if you just want your goals to just converse at work, we have that for you. So lots of great things happening guest speakers, which I know you're going to be on, Dr. Greta. So we're looking forward to hearing from you in the community.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

I'm looking forward to that.

Stephanie D'Angelo:


Dr. Greta Anderson:

So this is exciting. So that's great. I love that. The watch party. That is awesome. I love that. I think one of the things as we grow golf and grow the golf community in the truest sense, is that we must be very open to the idea of meeting people where they are. So people getting engaged in golf is just being golf literate.

Stephanie D'Angelo:


Dr. Greta Anderson:

I'm not ready to do the grass thing in the sunshine. And no judgment. Right. If you want to learn and know about our game and make it your game as well, that is perfectly fine.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yeah, exactly. We want to know what your goals are at her club, and I'm sure you do, too. We just want to know what your goals are, and then we can help you get there. There's something for everybody.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

I'm here for it. That's why I was like, I'm here for you. I'm here for it. So yes. So we will provide all of your contact information, all the information about Ms. Stephanie and her club in the show notes, of course. But are there any tips? I know if you had to give, let's just say one big piece of advice. I know you said that you advised the ladies that you don't have to have clubs, and we've talked about that, but if there was one other piece of advice that you would give to ladies thinking about dipping their toe into golf, what would it be?

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yes. We've studied a bunch today. Now I sound like a broken record. A little bit. Find that community. Find that community. Find that buddy. Find those handful of people. Find who is on your level. People that understand the goals that you want to achieve with learning golf, conversing about it, playing it, watching it. But find those people, because it's going to be so much more enjoyable if you're going on this journey alone. If you're on a road trip, you don't want to do that alone. Right. So why do this alone? So find some friends and way more. If you want some from her club, we got you covered, but anyone will do.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Absolutely. And the cool thing about this, I'm going to say this. Remember that in golf, you don't have to be part of just one community.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

That's such a great point.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

You can be part of community. And I love that about golf. Right. I mean, as a golfer, I spend more of my time these days teaching and helping others play golf, but as a golfer, I kind of divide my golf life into two separate lanes, if you will. Oh, my gosh. Like an inordinate number of communities. I always love that.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yes, 100%. And the thing that I find, too, is that women in the golf community are so. Incredibly supportive, at least the women that I've met. So if they know you Doctor Greta and they take lessons from you, you're right, it's not mutually exclusive. That doesn't mean they can't go next door and play with somebody else or learn from somebody else too. It's all just we all want to kind of better the sport and that's kind of the women that I found and those are kind of the most supportive women that I've interacted with honestly thus far. Are golf women truly supportive?

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Yes. I find that golf is the citizenry of golf is similar to the world, right. But the majority of people are great people. I mean, unfortunately you'll have those every now and then you run into someone and you go like, oh, I don't ever need to see that person again. Very rare. But most people because we all understand that golf and getting immersed in golf and being comfortable in golf is a lot when you're waiting your way into it. And so most golfers are very empathetic to start of the journey. Right. We nurture and coddle new golfers on the golf course. One of my favorite things to do is if I'm out and I'm teeing it up and I'm paired with some people, I love it. They're like, I'm new golfers. We tend to be apologetic. I'm sorry. No, I'm so excited that you're here. And we kind of protect them. Right. We're going to make sure that we're helping them with pace of play, keep finding the ball, all of those little tricks of the trade. Because we've been there, we know that it can be daunting, but we also know that it doesn't take much sometimes it doesn't take much to discourage people either. I know for me, I like to be very protective of those people because I want them to stay in the game.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Yeah, 100%. I think that's the attitude. You're so encouraging and so supportive and I totally see that. And who doesn't want to receive that build up, that encouragement when they're playing that makes people want to come back, if nothing else.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Yes, exactly. And so we know when people come back and then people and that's how we grow. Right. Because if we've been nurtured and we've had a great start, it will lead to a greater middle, but they will bring people along and that's so exciting. So I'm so thankful. I don't know if you know how brave you are to just be like, hey, I'm in golf. Like, oh, this is awesome. I'm going to start a golf community and we're going to get 1000 ladies a year going. That is just awesome and amazing. So I want to just say on behalf of everyone out there in the golf community, particularly women's golf, thank you, Ms. Stephanie, for what you're doing in terms of yourself, creating your organization and all the great things. So I look forward to partnering with you more and more.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

Thank you.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

We're definitely going to have you back again because as her club grows, we've got to hear about all that's going on. And so I'm going to get you making you promise that right here, right now, while we're on here, right now.

Stephanie D'Angelo:

For sure, put it on record. Thank you, Doctor greta, thank you for having me. Thank you for just being so supportive and welcoming. And I know you are a pro and you don't have that air about you. You are welcoming to anyone, beginner, pro or otherwise, and I love that about you. I love that energy and just thank you so much for having me.

Dr. Greta Anderson:

Thank you so much. Again, we appreciate you all that you're doing. Stephanie's information in her club about herself and her club will be in the show notes. So in the meantime, I want to remind you that you are perfect for golf, but more importantly, golf is perfect for you. Welcome to the Smart Golfer Podcast, where we help aspiring golfers improve their skills, strategy, and know how for better performance, fun and play. I'm your host, Dr. Greta Anderson. And beyond excited to help you move from just hitting balls to playing your best golf. So let's get to it.